Friday, November 19, 2010

ABS Relays

By looking at the diagram given earlier we can identify the following relays :

Relays or switches that powers up the ABS ECU : Relay K39.

Relays or switches that power ups the ABS pump : Relay K100.

Relays or switches that sends power to the ABS HCU solenoids : Relay K38

The ECU pin number #1 is the wire that brings the power to the ABS ECU.

The ECU pin number #27 is the wire that controls the relay for the ABS ECU.

The ECU pin number #14 is the wire that brings power to the ABS pump.

The ECU pin number # 28 is the wire that controls the relay for the ABS pump.

Channel 1 is the control circuit , and channel 2 is the switching circuit.

This is when the ABS relay does the self check.

At point A is when switching circuit is turned on from 0 Volts to 12 volts .this is because the control circuit has been grounded so it can create a magnetic field to attract the circuit 2 to be turned on .

Point C the control circuit has collapsed on itself and we can see the voltage spike . Point B is where the switch is open and switching circuit now open ..

Point E and D is when the pump has been turned on and then off and we can see the oscilations .

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